Free transport: Leipzig (DE) - Moscow (RUS), 90 cc awning, loading: side, rear, top, CMR insurance , TIR       :::       Loading: Minsk (BY) - Moscow (RUS) , 8 tons, 82 cubic meters , non-hazardous chemical cargo on pallets, payment upon unloading       :::       Loading: Gomel (BY) - Nakhod (CZ) , 21 tons, 82 cubic meters , TNP cargo, customs clearance/customs clearance in places, quick unloading

What does warehouse services include?

What does warehouse services include?

It is important to approach the choice of premises for renting a warehouse, understanding what advantages the warehouse complex has. Provision of warehouse services includes a variety of functions and stages: sorting, labeling, packaging, stickering, certification and assembly.

Sorting process

Sorting cargo in a warehouse allows you to divide the goods according to one or more principles and identify defects. The process is automated. The size of the goods, its weight and other characteristics are determined. This is an important stage in the placement of products and further storage. The next sorting rules are followed:

• address storage. Each type of product has its own separate "address" location, where it is very easy to find;
• the availability of the desired variety or species. The more necessary, the closer it lies;
• the location of seasonal products. When the demand for the product increases, it is moved closer;
• Products in high demand are located closer to the exit.


Marking goods with special identification codes can greatly simplify the work. Information on product labeling contains information about the manufacturer, product characteristics, etc. Legislatively, there is a whole list of goods that are subject to mandatory labeling.

Usually, the labeling of goods is agreed upon at the stage of signing the contract. The warehouse worker opens the package, sticks a marker on each item, and seals the box.

Labeling for warehouse storage is carried out using special printers, both stationary and mobile. A barcode and information about the storage location are indicated on the goods for a warehouse.

The goods are labeled if the client needs to indicate some additional information on the packaging. The label may indicate the name of the product, the optimal shelf life, composition.

Labeling of goods in the warehouse is carried out manually or using automatic guns.

Packing and labeling are the basic actions of cargo handling. The goods are packed in special boxes, then they are certified in Belarus.

Products package

This type of work is used during the assembly and shipment of the order to the buyer. To optimize work, storekeepers use different assembly methods: discrete picking, picking goods in batches, "zone" or "wave" picking. Whatever assembly method is used in our warehouses, you can be sure that the buyer will receive the order in full and in the shortest possible time.


The provision of certification services is another advantage of Kronex Company. Certification in the Republic of Belarus is mandatory. Carrying out product certification includes the process of collecting documents, filing an application for certification of goods. When the application is considered, the analysis of technical regulations (TNLA) is carried out. Samples are then taken and tested.

Certification of products in the Republic of Belarus allows you to estimate the quality and consumer properties of the product. The warehouse complex "Kronex Company" will take over all the work on certification of your goods in the Republic of Belarus, that will greatly facilitate your work.

"Kronex Company" works quickly, reliably and efficiently. Affordable price and customer loyalty are especially important. Compliance with all conditions of storage and transportation of your goods, fast movement, shipment to the customer is guaranteed. Turning to us, you will appreciate all the advantages of working with the company, and save yourself from many problems.


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