Free transport: Leipzig (DE) - Moscow (RUS), 90 cc awning, loading: side, rear, top, CMR insurance , TIR       :::       Loading: Minsk (BY) - Moscow (RUS) , 8 tons, 82 cubic meters , non-hazardous chemical cargo on pallets, payment upon unloading       :::       Loading: Gomel (BY) - Nakhod (CZ) , 21 tons, 82 cubic meters , TNP cargo, customs clearance/customs clearance in places, quick unloading

Changes in the rules of road transport in Belarus

Changes in the rules of road transport in Belarus

From April 15, 2022, updated rules for the carriage of goods by road will come into force in the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers No. 579 of 12.10.2021.

List of innovations:

  • Carriers using permits to travel through the territory of one foreign state must provide documents that are identical to obtain permits to carry out transportation through the territories of several states.

  • In case of changes in information and documents, the road carrier is obliged to submit them to the Transport Inspectorate of the Ministry of Transport and Communications before the expiration of 10 calendar days from the date these changes come into force.

  • The transport inspectorate is authorized to analyze the information and documents of the carrier for their reliability, as well as used permits for the passage of vehicles to confirm their actual use.

  • The Ministry of Transport and Communications has the right to apply restrictions on the number of travel permits issued to a road carrier in the following cases:
    - failure to comply with the approved procedure for the use and return of a permit for the passage of vehicles or its non-use;
    - detection of inaccurate information in the submitted documents;
    - failure to provide documents and information by the road carrier when they change;
    - failure of the road carrier to provide information on the use of permits for the passage of vehicles through the territory of several foreign states.

These rules make it possible to develop a centralized data system on transport, drivers and responsible parties based on the information base of the Transport Inspectorate, as a result of which a more transparent procedure for issuing and distributing permits for road transport across the territories of foreign states will be organized.


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