Free transport: Leipzig (DE) - Moscow (RUS), 90 cc awning, loading: side, rear, top, CMR insurance , TIR       :::       Loading: Minsk (BY) - Moscow (RUS) , 8 tons, 82 cubic meters , non-hazardous chemical cargo on pallets, payment upon unloading       :::       Loading: Gomel (BY) - Nakhod (CZ) , 21 tons, 82 cubic meters , TNP cargo, customs clearance/customs clearance in places, quick unloading

New rules of payment of tour on toll roads of Belarus

New rules of payment of tour on toll roads of Belarus

From July 28, in accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, changes in the rules for paying for travel on toll roads came into force.

  • One of the main changes is the establishment of a new list of violations for drivers who have not paid the fare or do not have an electronic vignette.
  • In addition, the address of the BelToll website, where you can pay for the fare, has been updated.
  • The ability to pay for vignette with fuel cards has been approved.
  • Vehicles weighing less than 3.5 tons do not need to be registered in the electronic toll collection system. It is also not required to conclude a contract for the use of a toll road and receive an electronic payment device. The passage of such vehicles is paid for by purchasing an electronic vignette.
  • If you change the purpose of using a vehicle that was previously exempt from toll collection, as well as in the event of termination of ownership and change of registration plate, you must notify Belavtostrada and return the payment device.
  • The driver using the electronic payment device undertakes to follow all its optical and acoustic signals and not to connect the device to power sources.
  • The procedure for providing information by the Transport Inspectorate on violations and their types has also been clarified.
  • Claims for the calculation and collection of tolls and written responses to them will be presented in Russian or Belarusian. Written responses - respectively, in the language of the claim.

These changes are aimed at improving the operation of the toll system in Belarus. They will help to reduce the number of violations and improve the efficiency of toll control, which will positively affect the safety and comfort of all road users.


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