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New provisions in the customs legislation of Belarus

New provisions in the customs legislation of Belarus

The Law of the Republic of Belarus dated April 22, 2024 No. 366-Z amended the Law dated January 10, 2014 No. 129-Z “On customs regulation in the Republic of Belarus”.

What innovations are planned?

  • Complete transition to electronic document management. The exchange of information between customs authorities and business entities will take place using a personal account based on a single portal of electronic services.
  • The period for customs authorities to make decisions on the classification of goods in unassembled or disassembled form will be reduced from 30 calendar days to 15 working days, which will reduce the burden on business under sanctions.
  • Individuals wishing to file a declaration will be able to use the services of the state AIS, including the government services portal at customs.
  • The list of documents that must be provided to carry out administrative procedures will be reduced.
  • There will be the possibility of installments, deferment of payment of export duties, import VAT on a number of technological goods, as well as the return of advance payments.
  • The powers of the Government will be expanded in terms of regulating the application and rates of customs duties, fees and other similar payments, benefits on them, and the calculation of penalties.

The main regulatory provisions of the law will come into force on January 26, 2025.


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