Free transport: Leipzig (DE) - Moscow (RUS), 90 cc awning, loading: side, rear, top, CMR insurance , TIR       :::       Loading: Minsk (BY) - Moscow (RUS) , 8 tons, 82 cubic meters , non-hazardous chemical cargo on pallets, payment upon unloading       :::       Loading: Gomel (BY) - Nakhod (CZ) , 21 tons, 82 cubic meters , TNP cargo, customs clearance/customs clearance in places, quick unloading

Mandatory disinfection of transport at the entrance to the Republic of Belarus

Mandatory disinfection of transport at the entrance to the Republic of Belarus

From July 2021 to March 2022, a research was conducted in Belarus, during which employees of the State Veterinary Service collected and checked samples from vehicles entering the country through the Novaya Guta checkpoint. Some samples tested positive for E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Further, all vehicles - more than 60,000 units - were sanitized.

To prevent the penetration and spread of infectious diseases in the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food decided to carry out similar procedures at all checkpoints of external state borders.

On April 26, 2022, the President of Belarus signed Decree No. 154 "On mandatory disinfection of vehicles". The Basic Provisions entered into force on May 1, 2022.

Now, when entering the Republic of Belarus, vehicles must undergo sanitization at all checkpoints.

Which vehicles are covered by the rule:

  • buses;
  • passenger cars;
  • freight transport.

Sanitation service is provided by BelGlobalGarant LLC on the basis of a paid service contract. The contract enters into legal force from the moment of purchase of the control mark, which can be obtained at the branches of the enterprise "Belgosstrakh" and OJSC "ASB Belarusbank" at checkpoints.

The border service will check whether the driver or owner of the vehicle has a control mark.

Entry into the country is not possible:

  • in the absence of a control mark;
  • in case of refusal to purchase it.


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