Free transport: Leipzig (DE) - Moscow (RUS), 90 cc awning, loading: side, rear, top, CMR insurance , TIR       :::       Loading: Minsk (BY) - Moscow (RUS) , 8 tons, 82 cubic meters , non-hazardous chemical cargo on pallets, payment upon unloading       :::       Loading: Gomel (BY) - Nakhod (CZ) , 21 tons, 82 cubic meters , TNP cargo, customs clearance/customs clearance in places, quick unloading

Transshipment of goods (cross-docking): types and features

Transshipment of goods (cross-docking): types and features

The main component of the company's successful business is a product that is in demand, the next is an affordable price for the consumer, which largely depends on the transportation technology. In logistics, transshipment services is a progressive delivery method that allows you to meet deadlines due to the fact that products are immediately shipped to the customer, without being stored in a warehouse.

What is transshipment

The organization of cross-docking is relevant for a large turnover, own railway, air, water and road transport. The presence of machines for unloading and loading, warehouses equipped with machinery. A huge throughput allows you to quickly serve customers and deliver goods within a strictly specified time frame. Regular transportation takes a lot of time, which is why transshipment services are very important when transporting perishable food products.

To provide cross-docking services in Belarus and transshipment in the export mode outside the country, the company must have all of the listed components. Reloading of goods from one transport to another arises when urgent delivery, export abroad, issuance of permits is required. 

Freight handling services include:

• acceptance measures;
• cargo handling and registration;
• unloading and assembly;
• sending to the customer by the agreed transport.

The choice of a cross-docking warehouse is influenced by cargo specialization, multifaceted companies are engaged in transshipment of lumber, metal, products (meat and dairy, vegetables and fruits), transshipment of loose, liquid cargo.

Types of transshipment

The technology is divided into 2 types: one and two-stage cross-docking. 

Types of cargo transshipment services:

• Cross-docking of goods through the warehouse - the transport is replaced, the goods are unloaded and immediately loaded onto another vehicle. It is possible to transship automobile-automobile, wagon-automobile movement or wagon-wagon.
• Deconsolidation - type 1 (one supplier for an unlimited number of recipients) - goods are moving from one vehicle into several trucks that are sent directly to the customer. Type 2 (many suppliers for several customers) - cargo is completed from the unloading area and laid out for loading onto other vehicles.
• Consolidation (there are several sellers for one recipient) - wagons, cars are unloaded and an order is formed, which is sent by one vehicle to the customer.
• Reconsolidation (several contractors on both sides) - all materials or food products are unloaded, stored according to orders, then distributed by rail or road transport.

All methods are aimed at optimizing the process of cargo transportation, take little time, reduce its cost at times. Using railway transshipment or road, the customer always has fresh goods, which is important in seasonal trade. It is beneficial to use the technology for store owners with a large turnover, with an assortment (as an example: large markets with a significant number of positions). 

In what cases use the service:

• for transshipment of loose cargo;
• transshipment of metal;
• liquid cargo transshipment;
• transshipment of coal;
• transshipment of cement.

Some of the listed materials become damp during long-term storage, lose their original qualities and take up a lot of space, which significantly increases the cost of logistics services.

Main stages of transshipment

One-stage cross-docking is more simplified, the products arrive at the warehouse formed with markings, thoroughly packaged without the possibility of unauthorized access. The details of the recipient are required, the order is numbered and stored in the loading area, after the amount of the specified cargo corresponds to the documentation, it is loaded onto the truck and sent to the customer.

Two-stage cross-docking - in this case, a special area is allocated for the transshipment service for unloading, then for disassembling goods or materials. As the components of the order are received, they are completed and shipped on time for shipment to the addressee. The packaging of each individual component remains intact, marked with details, then it is easier for warehouse workers to navigate when assembling an order.

The unloading of wagons in Minsk takes place in compliance with the norms and using specialized equipment, as the loading of vehicles. Attention is paid to materials that require careful handling, the risk of damage to the cargo is minimized.

Features of the service

The advantage of cross-docking delivery is that the goods are not stored in a warehouse, but are delivered to the customer in a short period. The company's warehouses need to be upgraded to handle the large traffic, and the company's own fleet should consist of heavy and light trucks. Cargo transshipment services include: up-to-date information on the location of goods, registration of various types of documentation, including a phyto-certificate, unloading of wagons and automobiles.

The effectiveness of the method has been proven by practice, the service is in demand from customers and suppliers.


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