The Eurasian Economic Commission has approved a list of goods and conditions when the transportation of goods is not subject to tracking using navigation seals.
The list has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the “Agreement on the Application of Navigation Seals for Tracking Transportation in the Eurasian Economic Union,” which entered into force on April 3, 2023.
Online tracking of road and rail freight transport in the EAEU using navigation seals is planned to begin at the beginning of 2024. The presence of a seal will speed up control procedures and border crossing. The devices will also notify about unauthorized access to cargo.
Installation and rental of seals will be paid. Tariffs in each country will be determined by the national operator of navigation sealing - in Belarus this is RUE Beltamozhservice.
Before uniform information security measures come into effect, navigation seals will contain only registers of electronic documents and information from documents for the period of tracking specific shipments.
When the information systems are prepared, the EAEU countries will also be able to attach accompanying electronic documents for transportation that begins on their territory.