Free transport: Leipzig (DE) - Moscow (RUS), 90 cc awning, loading: side, rear, top, CMR insurance , TIR       :::       Loading: Minsk (BY) - Moscow (RUS) , 8 tons, 82 cubic meters , non-hazardous chemical cargo on pallets, payment upon unloading       :::       Loading: Gomel (BY) - Nakhod (CZ) , 21 tons, 82 cubic meters , TNP cargo, customs clearance/customs clearance in places, quick unloading

Warming points at the border

Warming points at the border

Due to heavy snowfalls, which impede the movement of freight transport, the situation with queues at the border with the EU has worsened. The waiting time has increased to 10 days, even buying a place in a paid queue does not contribute to fast transition.

At border checkpoints that do not have heated premises on their territory, it was decided to organize heating places for truckers.

Mobile points are located near the checkpoint on the border and are tents heated by heat guns. They can be visited not only by truck drivers, but by everyone.

At the moment, places where you can warm up are organized at the Berestovitsa and Privalka checkpoints.

The heating point at Berestovitsa was set up by the Belarusian Red Cross Society. Heated tents on the territory can accommodate up to 40 people at the same time. Now every driver standing in line at the border has the opportunity to warm up, drink tea and even charge a mobile phone.

At the checkpoint "Privalka" the place of heating is equipped by the "Red Cross" together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Here, volunteers distribute hot drinks and cookies, and provide first aid if necessary.

New border heating points will be equipped in the near future.


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